About us
Core doctrines and values:
In the will of God, Ears To Hear Ministries Limited exists to serve the Church in Evangelism, Revivalism, Teaching, and in specific encouragement and support of Pastors.
We believe in One God - the 'Trinity' - the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe in the Divine inspiration and authority of the Bible (both Old and New Testaments).
We believe that every person is born not knowing God, but with the need to know God.
We believe that through Jesus Christ, His coming to the world, His death on the cross, and resurrection, we can have our need to know God satisfied, through the forgiveness of sins - the cause of our separation from God.
We believe in the Person and Divinity of the Holy Spirit, Who lives at the centre of our lives, making Jesus Christ real to us, applying the benefits of all Jesus Christ has done for us, radically changing ourselves and our lives.
We believe in Heaven and Hell.
We believe that Jesus Christ is coming again to bring eternal life in Heaven to all who are trusting Him, having received Him as Saviour in their lives.
We believe that each person can and must have a personal encounter with God, through Jesus Christ, bringing repentance and forgiveness of sins, resulting in a holy life.
We seek to help establish in the local Church the following values and practice:
A Church where God is not invited to take sides - but to take over!
A Church that is committed to genuine community!
A Church that will not settle for self-centred convenience, but will strive for sacrificial service!
A Church where laughter is a common sound!
A Church where Worship is an event!
A Church the 'wrong person' cannot come to - where everyone is accepted!
A Church which loves enough to always tell God's truth - caring enough to confront...cleaving enough to correct!
A Church where the 'main issue' is the MAIN ISSUE!

Stuart D. Reynolds was born in Scotland and trained for the ministry at the Nazarene Theological College in Manchester, England. He has pastored churches in Scotland, England, and Northern Ireland. He is married to Helen, and they have two daughters, Heather and Leah. ​
Stuart has recorded four albums: "Filled With Your Love", "Stay With Me", "One More Song", and "On The Other Side". He re-released "Filled With Your Love" and "Stay With Me" as a double CD entitled "Simple Faith". He has also authored "The Broken Pastor" and "Getting Ready For Revival". ​
Stuart and Helen now live in Sheffield, England.
At the beginning of 2017, after 25 years of pastoral ministry, Stuart embarked on an itinerant ministry of preaching and teaching, emphasising evangelism and revivalism.
Pastor Stuart D. Reynolds